The Urgency of Fish Conservation Education for High School Students

Husain Latuconsina


Indonesia is one of the largest fish resource-producing countries in the world, but the rate of utilization of fish biological resources continues to increase, in response to increasing domestic and international market demand. The impact is a decrease in fish resource stocks and the quality of their habitat. Thus, conservation efforts are needed, one of which is by introducing fish and all aspects of their life. One important object is High School Students. This activity was carried out on January 20 2020 with partners being students from SMA N. 1 Jembrana-Bali which was part of the publication tourism activities of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Malang. The stages in implementing this activity include: 1) providing information about fish and their conservation through material presentations; 2) discussion and question and answer; 3) evaluation of activities. Students were quite interested in the material provided and several questions were asked. The evaluation results generally show that students' knowledge is still very minimal about fish and all aspects of their life, and this has implications for the lack of student support regarding the importance of fish resource conservation efforts. These findings are important recommendations for enriching learning content, including preparing learning curricula that include local content in the form of natural resource conservation education as a form of effort to support conservation activities which have been one of the government's priorities in Indonesia.


Fish, Conservation, Sustainable Fisheries


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