Implementation Of Student Learning In Sidomulyo Dillage, Malang District
In the aspect of general knowledge, the village of Sidomulyo has many weaknesses that need to be considered, especially in the field of education. The people in this village have a low level of education because the majority have not finished elementary school. In order to carry out the thematic KKN-PPM work program at the Islamic University of Malang independently which has been determined as a priority, there are stages carried out in the implementation process. Community Empowerment activities with the theme "Implementation of student learning in Sidomulyo Dillage, Malang District” in general to train creativity for elementary school students. The results of this study can increase students' learning motivation as seen from the indicators (a) Students who dared to express their opinions increased by 50% (b) Students who answered questions increased by 80% (c) Students who answered questions correctly increased by 85%; (d) Students who collaborate increase up to 95%
sidomulyo dillage, student, learning
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