Training on School Organic Waste Treatment for the Welfare of Madrasah Al-Amin Mojokerto Students

Ratna Djuniwati Lisminingsih


Madrasah Aliyah Al Amin Mojokerto is a formal educational institution where activities in it produce waste. An increase in the number of students, activities, changes in consumption and lifestyle was followed by an increase in the amount of waste generation, types and characteristics of school waste. Based on the type of school waste at Al Amin, there are three groups of types of waste, namely organic, inorganic and toxic and hazardous materials (B3). The waste management system using the reuse-reduce-recycle approach is a simple concept to solve the problem of waste management in schools. The purpose of this training is to improve knowledge, attitudes and skills in processing organic waste. Waste management using the reuse-reduce-recycle approach can reduce waste generation and turn waste into materials that are harmless to the environment, have economic value, and support a healthy environment. The training participants were 21 students of class XII IPA and were male with an average age of 17.7 years. The training steps include needs analysis; determine approaches and objectives, design training, and conduct training and evaluation. Evaluation includes aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and skills. The results of the training showed that the average achievement in the aspects of knowledge (89.52%), attitudes (84.13%), and skills (93.18%), as well as the achievement category was very good. Students agree that if school organic waste is managed, the school environment will be clean and can improve student welfare.


Organic Waste Management, School, Student Welfare, Madrasah Aliyah Al-Amin

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