Studi tersebut ditujukan guna pengetahun akan dampak promosi online maupun kualitas produk pada minat beli konsumen produk BG Skin Jombang (studi kasus pada followers tiktok member dan reseller online distributor BG Skin Jombang). Populasi yang diaplikasikan pada studi ini sebanyak 222 orang dengan pengambilan sampel sebanyak 90 responden. Teknik sampling yang diaplikasikan yakni probability sampling serta random sampling dengan perhitungan rumus slovin. Analisa yang diaplikasikan pada studi ini merupakan analisis regresi liner berganda dengan medidapatii software SPSS IBM 25.0. Hasilnya didapati jika dengan parsial promosi online  berdampak signifikan pada minat beli konsumen, t hitung senilai 0,00<0,05 serta hasil thitung diperoleh senilai 3,912 > dari hasil ttabel 1,663. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan Ha diterima, Ho ditolak. Nilai signifikan kualitas produk senilai 0,004 < 0,05 serta thitung diperoleh senilai 2,922 > dari nilai ttabel 1,663. Sehingga didapati kesimpulan Ha diterima, Ho ditolak. Perhitungan akan uji simultas (F) item promosi online serta kualitas produk berpengaruh dengan bebarengan hasil signifikan senilai 56,275 sedangkan F tabel 3,101. Didapati F hitung 56,275 > F tabel 3,101. Didapati akan Ha diterima serta Ho ditolak. Besaran dampak promosi daring maupun kualitas produk pada minat beli konsumen senilai 56,4%. Dan hasil 43,6% didampaki dari variable berbeda yang tak diteliti.
Kata kunci: promosi online, kualitas produk, minat beli konsumen
This study is aimed at understanding the impact of online promotions and product quality on consumer buying interest in BG Skin Jombang products (case studies on tiktok followers and online reseller distributors of BG Skin Jombang). The population applied in this study was 222 people with a sample of 90 respondents. The sampling technique applied is probability sampling and random sampling with the calculation of the slovin formula. The analysis applied in this study is multiple linear regression analysis using IBM SPSS 25.0 software media. The result is that partial online promotions have a significant impact on consumer buying interest, t count is 0.00 <0.05 and the t count results are 3.912 > from the t table 1.663. So it can be concluded that Ha is accepted, Ho is rejected. The significant value of product quality is 0.004 <0.05 and the tcount is 2.922 > from the ttable value of 1.663. So that the conclusion is that Ha is accepted, Ho is rejected. The calculation of the simultaneous test (F) of online promotion items and product quality has an effect with a significant result of 56.275 while the F table is 3.101. Found F count 56.275 > F table 3.101. It is found that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. The magnitude of the impact of online promotions and product quality on consumer buying interest is 56.4%. And the results of 43.6% are affected by different variables that are not examined.
Keywords: Online Promotion, Product Quality, Consumer Purchase Interest
Kata Kunci
Teks Lengkap:
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