Moh. Danury Akbar



This paper discusses problems related to buying and selling transactions of Shopee coins through the Shopee application in the perspective of Islamic law. The formulation of the problem of this research is the law of buying and selling transactions of shopee coins in the perspective of Islamic law and the legal consequences of buying and selling transactions of shopee coins in the perspective of Islamic law. The author uses normative juridical research methods statutory approach (Statute Approach), Conceptual Approach (Conceptual Approach), and case study approach (Cases of Approach). The results of this study indicate that in buying and selling shopee coins through the shopee application in the perspective of Islamic law as long as it is carried out in accordance with the terms and pillars of the Salam or Istisna agreement and does not violate the principles of Islamic law in general, the law contains mumalah agreements which are permissible.

Keywords: buying and selling, shopee, Islamic law


Karya tulis ini membahas permasalahan terkait transaksi jual beli koin shopee melalui aplikasi shopee dalam prespektif hukum islam. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini yaitu hukum transaksi jual beli koin shopee dalam prespektif hukum islam serta akibat hukum transaksi jual beli koin shopee dalam prespektif hukum islam. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif pendekatan perundang-undangan (Statute Approach), Pendekatan Konseptual (Conceptual Approach), dan pendekatan studi kasus (Cases of Approach).  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam transaksi jual beli koin shopee melalui aplikasi shopee dalam prespektif hukum islam Sepanjang dilakukan sesuai dengan syarat dan rukun perjanjian Salam atau Istisna dan tidak melanggar prinsip hukum Islam secara umum, maka hukumnya memuat perjanjian mumalah yang diperbolehkan.

Kata Kunci: jual beli, shopee, hukum islam

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