In this research, we will examine the land registration processes in land regulations, therefore the researcher will formulate the problem, namely the process and conditions for obtaining land ownership rights in Timor-Leste, the difference between the land registration process in Timor-Leste and the registration process. Land in Indonesia. This type of research is normative juridical and as bibliographical interviews with the director Timor-Lest Land and Property Directoratee (the ministry, where the research was conducted or research through the library). in the research results below That the Direcção Nacional De Terras, Propriedades E Serviços Cadastrais carries out the identification of each plot of land a systematic cadastral survey will collect all the necessary information to create a national property cadastre including site administration, identification of the boundaries of each plot of land, geographic coordinates of one landmark from each plot of land.
Key words: Timor-Leste,Regulations,Legal certainty
Dalam Penelitian ini akan mengaji terhadap proses-proses pendaftaran tanah dalam peraturan atas tanah, oleh karena itu peneliti berapa rumusan masalah yaitu Proses Dan Syarat Untuk Memperoleh Hak Milik Atas Tanah di Timor-Leste, Perbedaan antara proses pendaftaran tanah di Timor-Leste dan Proses Pendaftaran Tanah di Indonesia. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dan Sebagai kepustakaan wawancara kepada direktur Direcção da Terras e Propriedade de Timor-Leste (kementrian,dimana Penelitian dilakukan atau meneliti melalui Pustaka).dalam hasil penelitian bawah Bahwa Direcção Nacional De Terras,Propriedades E Serviços Cadastrais melakukan identifikasi setiap bidang lokasi survei kadastral sistematis akan mengumpulkan semua informasi yang diperlukan untuk membuat kadaster properti nasional termasuk administrasi lokasi, identifikasi batas-batas tiap bidang tanah, geografis koordinat satu landmark dari setiap bidang tanah.
Kata kunci: Timor-Leste, Peraturan-Peraturan, kepastian Hukum
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