Niyah Daniyatul MIllah


The existence of the principle of decency in the agreement shows that there is a balance of position, rights and responsibilities of the parties to be carried out properly, and the principle of decency is a parameter of legal relations which is determined by a sense of justice in society. So the author raised the title "Analysis of the Principle of Compliance in the Spaylater Service Credit Agreement for Shopee Users" by raising the issue, how does the principle of decency work in the Spaylater agreement and whether the Spaylater Service credit agreement meets the principle of decency. The research method used is normative juridical law research using the statute approach, conceptual approach and case approach research methods. This study explains that in E-commerce Service credit agreements the principle of propriety works is divided into 3 categories: pre-contractual, contractual and post-contractual, and E-commerce Service providers have not fully implemented the principle of decency in credit agreements due to the high interest rate of 2 .95% per month which is almost 4 times the KTA interest rate, which is 10.88%

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