Hubungan Kadar Kadmium Serum terhadap FEV1 dan FVC yang Diukur Dengan Spirometri pada Pekerja Parkir Terminal Bus Arjosari

Alif Ramadhan


Introduction: The increasing number of vehicles in Indonesia leads to an elevation of air pollution. One of the heavy metal contained in air pollution is cadmium, and its inhalation affects in several lung problems caused by this compound. Parking workers is one of an occupational who are easily exposed to vehicle emissions. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the corellation between cadmium serum levels and FEV1 (Forced Expiration Volume in One Second), or FVC (Forced Vital Capacity) levels.

Method: This observational analytic study was a cross sectional approach. The Arjosari bus station parking workers, who were exposed to vehicle fumes, were the sample. They were selected using purposive sampling technique. The study sample was parking workers who met the criteria and actively worked >1 year at Arjosari bus station and were cooperative and willing to be the subjects. The questionnaire was filled, and then we examined the pulmonary functions (FEV1 and FVC) using spirometry. The serum cadmium level was detected using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer).

Results: The average cadmium values in KLP1 (Long Exposure Group 1) and KLP2 (Long Exposure Group 2) were 23,64 and 25,83 μg/L, respectively. The FEV1 level were normal in both groups (the average value 95.66% pred and 98.37% pred). The FVC level were lower in these groups (the average value 70.2% pred and 61.125% pred). There no significant correlation between KLP1 and KLP2 groups in cadmium serum level with FEV1 or FVC (p> 0.05).

Conclusion: The serum cadmium level of Arjosari bus station parking workers are higher than normal but they have no lung dysfunction.

Keywords: Cadmium level, FEV1, FVC, Parking Workers

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