Hubungan Kadar Kadmium Serum terhadap Fungsi Kognitif yang Diukur dengan MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) dan CDT (Clock Drawing Test) pada Pekerja Parkir Terminal Bus Arjosari

Millah Mahfudhoh


Introduction: The most air pollution is caused by vehicle emissions. The content in it is a heavy metal, one of them is cadmium. Cadmium has benefits as a mixture of other metals. Cadmium is a heavy metal which have low excretion in the body. The effect of cadmium can increases the permeability of Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). One of the neurotoxicity caused by heavy metals is memory disorders. This study aims to determine the relationship of serum cadmium levels to cognitive functions obtained by Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Clock Drawing Tests (CDT).

Method: This study was an observational analytic with cross sectional approach. The study population was bus terminal parking workers who were exposed to as soon as possible a trial vehicle. The sample selection use purposive sampling technique. The research sample was the bus station of Arjosari parking worker who met the criteria and actively worked at least 1 year and was cooperative and willing to be a respondent. Data collection using questionaires and examination of cadmium metal levels in blood samples using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer).


Result : Cadmium levels in long exposure group ≤10 years (KLP1) and long exposure group ≥ 10 years (KLP2) have an average value (23,643 μg / L; 25,828 μg / L). MMSE for each KLP1 and KLP2 improved the decline by an average (24.83; 24.1). Evaluation of KLP1 CDT cognitive function improves decline and KLP2 does not change the average decrease (3; 5), In the KLP1 and KLP2 groups the relationship of cadmium levels to cognitive functions using MMSE and CDT showed no significant results (P> 0, 05). Conclusion: There were no significant differences in the two groups related to the relationship of serum cadmium levels to cognitive functions related to MMSE and CDT in bus station of Arjosari parking worker.

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