Efek Kombinasi Infusa Sambiloto, Daun Salam, Kayu Manis, dan Rimpang Temulawak terhadap Kadar IL-1β Serum Tikus Wistar Jantan (Rattus norvegicus) Model Hiperglikemia
Introduction: Chronic inflammatory induced by chronic hyperglycemia are the causes of Diabetes Mellitus. High blood glucose levels or hyperglycemia can induce elevated serum levels of IL-1β. Combination of sambiloto, salam leaves, cinnamon and temulawak roots has been used traditionally to lower blood sugar level. Tawangmangu clinic of herbal also use this formula.
Methods: In vivo experimental laboratory study to describe the effect of herbal combinations on the decrease in serum levels of IL-1β in hyperglycemia rats model with control group post test only design using male Wistar rats was conducted. Hyperglicemia was induced using streptozotocin (25mg/kgBW) and high fructose diet 10%. Infusa of this combination were administered through gastric sondage for 30 days after hyperglicemia state was achieved (fasting blood glucose ≥ 126 g/dL). Sample was divided into 5 groups KN (n=5) KP (n=5), KP 1 (dose 125 mg/ kgb.wt, n=5), KP 2 (dose 250 mg/ kgb.wt, n=5) KP 3 (dose 500 mg/ kgb.wt, n=5). Serum IL-1β levels analyzed by ELISA kit Rat IL-1β. Data then analized using ANOVA with significancy set to p≤0,05.
Result: Serum level of IL-1β was reduced in all treatment groups and treatment group 3 showed greatest decrease. However, ANOVA analysis showed no significant differences compared to control groups (p>0,05).
Conclusions: Combination of sambiloto, salam leaves, cinnamon and temulawak roots give no effect to serum level of IL-1β in hyperglicemic rats.
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