Analisa Kerusakan Perkerasan Lentur (Flexible Pavement) Pada Ruas Jalan Pacing-Pacet kabupaten Mojokerto Dengan Metode 1 Pavement Condition Index (PCI)

Ery Dharmawan, Bambang Suprapto, Azizah Rachmawati


Analysis the damage flexible pavement by method pavement condition index (PCI)
on the Pacing-Pacet road section, road pavement damage assessment system that
refers to the type, dimensions, and level of damage that occurred, and can be one
of the references to determine the type of maintenance of road pavement damage.
The Pacing-Pacet road section has become one of the main accesses, resulting in
many vehicles crossing the Pacing-Pacet road section, so that the burden received
by the road becomes greater which will result in damage to the pavement. This
study aims to determine the pavement conditions on the Pacing-Pacet road using
the pavement condition index (PCI) method with a section length of 21 km divided
into 42 segments where each segment has a size of 500 x 9 m. Analysis of each
segment is done visually in the field by measuring the dimensions of the damage,
identification of the type of damage, and the level of damage to determine the value
of the pavement condition index (PCI). The results of visual surveys in the field
found types of damage such as fillings, holes, sinks, wear, obesity, crocodile skin
cracks, longitudinal and transverse cracks, groove cracks, and without damage.
The PCI value on the Pacing-Pacet road segment is 26, which means that the
pavement conditions on the Pacing-Pacet road segment are bad, so the type of
maintenance used is periodic maintenance so that the damage that occurs on the
Pacing-Pacet road section is not getting worse.

Keywords: road damage analysis, type of road damage, PCI.

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