Sofya Isfaticha, Azizah Rokhmawati, Ita Suhermin Ingsih


Hot asphalt mixture is a mixture of construction materials consisting of aggregate and bitumen. In the paved mixture, asphalt acts as a binder between aggregate particles, and aggregate acts as reinforcement. The purpose of this study was to analyze the inaccuracy of the composition of asphalt mixture produced in AMP (job mix formula) with design mix formula in the laboratory. Making hot asphalt mixture begins with making Design Mix Formula in the laboratory. Then re-check DMF's conformity to specifications. The DMF is then presented to AMP for a Job Mix Formula. The data needed in the study were in the form of aggregate fraction size, weight presentation covering each size, analysis of aggregate size distribution, and planning of optimum asphalt content (KAO) obtained by 5.40%. The results showed that the Marshall DMF value produced in the laboratory obtained stability values of 2446 kg, flow 3.57 mm, VIM 3.18%, VMA 13.48%, VFB 76.37%, KAE 4.454%, and MQ 691.4 kg / mm. The marshall value in the asphalt mixture made by AMP resulted in a stability value of 2491.8 kg, flow of 4.17 mm, VIM 3.37%, VMA 13.98%, VFB 75.89%, KAE 4.454%, and MQ 598 kg/mm. The cause of inaccuracy in the composition of the asphalt mixture is due to the calibration of cold bin openings, hot bin openings, and heat scales. However, the inaccuracy of the asphalt mixture composition still meets the specifications of Highways 2010 Revision 3.Keywords : DMF, JMF, Asphalt Mixing Plant, Marshall Campuran aspal panas merupakan campuran bahan konstruksi yang terdiri dari agregat dan bitumen. Dalam campuran beraspal, aspal berperan sebagai pengikat antar partikel agregat, dan agregat berperan sebagai tulangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ketidaktepatan komposisi campuran aspal yang diproduksi di AMP (job mix formula) dengan design mix formula di laboratorium. Pembuatan campuran aspal panas diawali dengan pembuatan Design Mix Formula di laboratorium. Kemudian diperiksa kembali kesesuaian DMF terhadap spesifikasi. DMF tersebut kemudian diinterpresentasikan ke AMP untuk dilakukan Job Mix Formula. Data yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian berupa ukuran fraksi agregat, presentasi berat yang meliputi setiap ukuran, analisis distribusi ukuran agregat, dan perencanaan kadar aspal optimum (KAO) yang diperoleh sebesar 5,40%. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa nilai Marshall DMF yang dihasilkan di laboratorium didapat nilai stabilitas 2446 kg, flow 3.57 mm, VIM 3.18%, VMA 13,48%, VFB 76.37%, KAE 4,454%, dan MQ 691,4 kg/mm. nilai marshall pada campuran aspal yang dibuat AMP menghasilkan nilai stabilitas 2491,8 kg, flow sebesar 4,17 mm, VIM 3,37%, VMA 13,98%, VFB 75,89%, KAE 4,454%, dan MQ 598 kg/mm. Penyebab ketidaktepatan komposisi campuran aspal disebabkan kalibrasi bukaan cold bin, bukaan hot bin, dan timbangan panas. Namun, ketidaktepatan komposisi campuran aspal masih memenuhi spesifikasi Bina Marga 2010 Revisi 3. Kata Kunci : DMF, JMF, Asphalt Mixing Plant, KAO, Marshall


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