Ika Hidayanti, Atik Umamah


Abstract : The current study investigated some problems on:  1) the frequency use of learning strategy categories in listening deployed by university students, and 2) the distinguished use of the learning strategies by the high and low achiever university students. There were 140 second semester students and were majoring at English Education Department of Universitas Islam Malang. The students were required to answer the 85 strategy items provided in the Posteriori Taxonomy of Strategies of Learning English Listening Skill (Zuhairi & Hidayanti, 2014). Besides, the students’ listening scores were compared in purpose to know the significant difference on the use of the learning strategies between the two groups. The finding revealed that the use of strategies were at moderate level. The most frequently used was selective attention strategies category, and  social developing strategy was least intensively deployed by the students on learning listening skill.  The result also indicated that high achiever students deployed more strategies than their counterparts.


Keywords: Learning Strategies, Listening, Non-Native English Students

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