Abstract : This study explored the implementation of strategy-based instruction, as a treatment, to the group of experimental students; whereas, the control group was not given by the treatment of SBI. The quasi-experimental study was used to seek out the difference of learning result between those groups. The pre test was able to identify that each group, group D and E, had the same level of ability in speaking class. Then, group D was as an experimental group and group E was a control. After given a treatment to experimental group, the post test was conducted to all the groups. The results of post test scores were analyzed through an independent t-test. The average of post test score of experimental group was higher than the control group, and then the value of sig. 2 tailed was .000. From the data analysis, it could be stated that there was significant difference between students who were taught by implementing SBI with the students who were not taught by that treatment, or on the other words, students who were taught by giving SBI showed better speaking skill that those who were not.
Keywords: Strategy-based Instruction, Speaking Skill
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