Abstract: The purpose of the research is to develop a practical argumentative essay textbook based on Toulmin’s Model Argumentation (TMA) to foster university students’ critical thinking skill (CTS). The research steps are students’ characteristics analysis, teaching materials development, expert validation, try out the product, revisions, and final product. The developed product is argumentative essay textbook based on critical thinking aspects adopting the TMA through writing argumentative essay. The product was designed by adopting the six critical thinking aspects developed by Stephen Toulmin: Claim, Data, Warrant, Backing, Rebuttal (opposition and response to opposition), and Qualifiers. In the product’s completion, the teaching material was categorized as very valid. The product’s attractiveness showed that the teaching material was considered as interesting. Based on the product’s effectiveness component, it can be concluded that the teaching material was effectively used. Based on the product implementation, the researcher had to revise and improve several components of the product, covering: the content, the presentation on the example of argumentative essays, the language, and the steps of the teaching materials. The overall result of the try out showed that the textbook effectively fostered students’ CTS.
Keywords: Argumentative Essay, Toulmin’s Model Argumentation (TMA), Critical Thinking Skill (CTS)
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