Nurul Umi Ati


Structural poverty in the family can cause a female adolescent to fallinto the world of commercial sex workers (CSW). The emergence of the CSW originates generally from the compulsion due to family problems,personal matter, trauma of sexual violence, and the difficulty infinding a job in the middle of life problems (Novrial, 2004). These CSW gather in an area or a complex in the form of houses androoms, either it is a settled house or a shelter managed by the pimp,that are commonly called the localization or the brothels. The rising number of adolescents or teenagers fallen into prostitutionis a social problem in the society which can cause a negative impactcalled morale decadence. Therefore, in order to prevent  a furtherspread of prostitution, it is a necessity to empower the CSW byinvolving the relevant institutions, either formal or non-formal.    The initial phase of this study is identifying CSW in the localizationthat will be used as the model of empowerment program for CSW, basedon rationality and economic-morality in the regency of Malang.The final phase of this study is to test the effectiveness ofempowerment model that can be disseminated. This study is anexperimental research by conducting an initial survey to find theimage of object candidates through snowball technique and in-depthevaluation to potential targets.After that, we use SWOT analysis as a determinant of the eligibilityof pilot locations, before finally practicing Focus Group Discussion (FGD) participative method for deepening the information anddiagnosis. The result is developed and arranged manually.This research is conducted in the regency of Malang, because, being atourism area, there are still a lot of localizations exist as a placeof prostitution.The result of this study is that prostitution business has beenalready managed professionally, where the pimps play the role as theshelter or the house's owner and also the manager for the CSW.The pimps, who generally be called "Mami", promote their CSW to theguests by calling and asking them to stand in a row, like the modelson the runway, based on the tariff and the qualification. The guestscan pick which CSW from whom they would love to get a sexual service.The prostitution services can be done within or outside thelocalization. However, the security is more guaranteed within thelocalization. The pimps provide some medical facilities by bringing ina doctor to the area and send the CSW to seek medical treatments regularly at the puskesmas (community health center).

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