Islakhuzzaqiyah ., Chalimatus Sa’dijah, Dzulfikar Rodafi


Morality or manners the basic origins off behavior without it consideration, this morality is a group of normative, though classified in the normative category akhlaqul karimah or good character is still rarely found, especially among adolescents oor student, this is due  the influence of the time, especially  era that we are experiencing, namely the age of globalization. Regarding this phenomenon education has been recognized as one of the intermediaries of space that fosters personalities that are in accordance with cultural norm and valuess thatt are recognized wiithin thee fabric of society. In the worlld of educations the role of teacher or religious teachers in improving the morality of karimah is one of the things that really should be done, including also in the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School for student Darul Ulum Al-Fadholi Merjosari, to improve the morality of the students and the students of the daughter of Darul Ulum Al-Fadholi ustadz- Ustadzah did this by introducing the books of the Salaf which contained the teachings of monotheism, manners, ethics, and procedures for living according to the teachings of the Islamic religion. This stutdy aim to determine: the role of religious teachers in improving the morality of krama in female students at the PPDUA, Malang. The reseearch that has ben conducte uses a qualitativdescriptive aproach using several data collection processes including observation, interview and dokumentation. From the reseearch conducted to obtaiin research result in order to ansewr  focus of existing research  There have been several attempts by the clerics to improve the morality of the student the methods used by ustadz-ustadzah in improving the akhlaqul karimah student and supporting factors and inhibitors of the ustadz-ustadzah in improving the akhlaqul karimah student in the PPDUA Malang.

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