Aniffatul Masruroh


The aim of national education and Islamic education is to achieve happiness in the world and in the hereafter. But in reality until now the crisis still occurs a lot in the community. Then the reserarchers considered it necessary to study the secret book Rahasia Magnet Rezeki of the offer offered by the Nasrullah as a problem solver of the people. This research focuses on what are the values of deep faith? What are the value of sharia? What are the value of inner moral? And what are the integration of Islamic, faith and ihsan according to expert in Islamic education? This reserch included the type of library reserch. While the technique of collecting data uses documentation, and data analysis using content analysis, data reduction and data interpretation. The results obtained are the values of Islamic education in the book Rahasia Magnet Rezeki, including the value of faith than includes, faith in God, faith in propet, faith in book of God and faith in destiny. Besides that there are also sharia values namely worship and muamalah. In the field of morals there is a moral value to God and morals to being. Finaly thereis integration between the value of islamic faith, and moral value.
Keywords : analiysis, critical, value, Islamic education, Rahasia Magnet Rezeki

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