Alfina Aminatia, Abdul Jalil, Atika Zuhrotus Sufiyana


The professional abilities of a teacher are essentially the basis of basic skills and a deep understanding of children as students, learning objects and situations conducive to ongoing learning activities. To produce individuals who have positive values in students, a professional teacher is needed. Where professional teachers not only teach and transfer knowledge, but also educate children and instill religious values in students which can then be applied in everyday life. Religious education is absolutely necessary in schools. Even more so in public schools. So a teacher must be able to carry out all the things that are his obligations as a teacher. The aim of this research is to determine the role of PAI teachers in class XII Muslim minority schools at SMAN 4 Denpasar Bali. Where the school has residents with a variety of different cultures. This research was conducted at SMAN 4 Denpasar Bali, where all members of the school are Hindu (non-Muslim). This research uses qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. In collecting data, the author used interview, observation and documentation techniques. From the results of the research trip, the author finally found a conclusion that the role of the Islamic religious education teacher in class XII at SMAN 4 Denpasar Bali was very supportive. Both from a moral and educational perspective. In terms of morals, PAI teachers are able to make students feel comfortable with their teacher's education, and become parents for students while at school. Meanwhile, in terms of education, teachers play the role of educators, administrators and guides in learning.

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