Al Maedah, Rosichin Mansur, Adi Sudrajat


Problems related to morals among madrasah students include many people throwing rubbish in the classroom and not in the right place. Apart from that, ethical issues also include not caring enough about fellow friends, as well as bullying behavior between friends. When learning in class, students also seemed less enthusiastic about learning, often left the classroom while learning was taking place with permission to go to the toilet and some also slept in class. There are several research focuses in this research, namely regarding how to plan the implementation of Ubudiyah Skill Requirements (SKU) in forming Religious character at MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari, what is the method for implementing Ubudiyah Skill Requirements (SKU) in forming Religious character at MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari, what is the implementation model Ubudiyah Skill Requirements (SKU) in the formation of Religious character at MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari. This research aims to overcome existing problems and form religious character in MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari students. Through SKU activities, students who are going through character problems will be formed and developed into good individuals with good morals through SKU activities. The research method used in this thesis research is a qualitative research method. This qualitative method is used because it is an approach or study used to investigate and understand a central phenomenon. Data collection by means of interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis uses data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusions. Checking the validity of the findings consists of: extending the findings, triangulation, and peer debriefing, The research results obtained from observations, interviews and documentation show that, from the results of research on SKU implementation planning, they consist of: 1). Determining time; 2). Creating an Agenda; 3). Determine assessment instruments; 4). Determine teachers who are competent in the SKU field. From the results of research on the SKU implementation method, it consists of the memorization method. From the results of research on the SKU implementation model, it consists of the munaqosah model.


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