Lukman Setiawan, Dwi Fitri Wiyono, Imam Syafi’i


A teacher is someone who plays an important role in directing the lives of students in the school environment, so teachers are required to be able to build the character of students and be able to direct students to a religious character so that they are able to equip students with morals and Islamic character.There are several phenomena related to religious culture that have been implemented in schools, especially at Bahrul Maghfiroh Middle School, some of these cultures include reading the Koran, midday prayers, midday prayers in congregation, 3S (Smile, Greet, Salam), and so on. This shows that Bahrul Maghfiroh Middle School has implemented a religious culture, but has not yet entered the category of improving student character.The internalization of Religious Culture in improving student character is not only seen from teacher preparation, but also the condition of learning facilities and also the condition of students must be considered by teachers. And the most important thing is that the teacher's planning must have a target for the learning so that in the future the activity can run well and produce students with character.

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