Lili Erisa Nazila, Indhra Musthofa, Arief Ardiansyah


It is often found that students pay less attention to the learning process. This is because the learning process is less interesting. The learning process using PPT is considered less effective because student learning outcomes are less than optimal. This research updates previous research regarding the use of Quizizz learning media on learning outcomes. The research method used is quantitative research with a quasi-experimental method. The population used was class VIII students at SMP Brawijaya Smart School with a sample of 60 students. The data collection technique uses test instruments and documentation with data analysis techniques for instrument tests, prerequisite tests, and results tests assisted by SPSS For Windows 29. This research shows that the use of quizizz learning media improves student learning outcomes as evidenced by the experimental class learning results showing an average score 84.65 higher than the control class with an average of 71.58. Based on the results of statistical test data analysis showing learning outcomes with sig (2-tailed) < 0.001≦ 0.05, it can be concluded that the hypothesis has a significant positive influence.

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