Dewi Risma Afni Ruchayana, Achmad Faisol, Adi Sudrajat


This study discusses the process of implementing the Aswaja subject in schools, the application of Islamic education with Aswaja An-Nahdliyah character values, as well as figures who play a role in instilling the values of Islamic education as strengthening the Aswaja An-Nahdliyah character in schools. Dilators are motivated by high carrying capacity starting from infrastructure, culture, environment, to potential human resources. This research is very important to study as a reference and development of knowledge related to the process and inculcation of the value of Aswaja An-Nahdliyah Islamic education in schools. Using descriptive qualitative research methods, as well as data collection procedures using observation, interviews, and documentation. The research findings resulted that all existing elements are very influential in the success of an educational process. Implementation of subjects is the main key to the process of strengthening the character of Aswaja An-Nahdliyah at school, so that the lack of learning duration can be used as an evaluation record for further improvement. The application of Islamic education in schools that are still working with Islamic boarding schools must also be further enhanced. With all the figures who have played a role in and supported the existence of Islamic education, Aswaja An-Nahdliyah is one of the factors supporting the success of high learning in achieving goals.

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