Nanda Fatmasari Aprilia, Qurroti A'yun, Mohammad Eko Nasrulloh


The purpose of this study was to determine the planning, implementation, and evaluation of integration-based learning at As-Shoddiq Islamic Middle School Malang. In order to achieve this goal, the research was conducted using a descriptive qualitative research type. The data collection procedure was carried out using the observation method, namely direct observation at the research location, the interview method, namely collecting data through question and answer to obtain primary research data and the documentation method, namely searching for data that was already in the school. In planning the application of the dimensions of faith, piety to God Almighty and noble character in strengthening the profile character of Pancasila students at the As-Shoddiq Islamic Middle School Malang includes several programs implemented namely 5s Culture (Smile, greeting, greeting, polite and courtesy), Religious habituation activities, Khotmil Qur'an activities, and finally the teacher and parent development program. In its implementation, it is hoped that students will be able to apply what has been arranged in the program that has been planned. So that it can bring up the application of faith, piety to God and noble character in strengthening the character of the Pancasila student profile.

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