Penerapan Sikap Toleransi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Peserta Didik Di SMAN 1 Malang

Della Violita Beauty Fani


The application1of tolerance0in1Islamic1Religious3Education0subjects to students at SMAN 1 Malang has been instilled by1students.0The focus1of1the1research discusses1the1planning,1implementation1and results of the application of tolerance in1Islamic0Religious1Education1subjects to students at1SMAN 1 Malang. To1achieve this goal,1the8researcher1uses1a1qualitative2approach1with1the1type of,.research that1produces1data1from observations,2interviews and,,documentation. Incollecting data to provide an overview or form of presentation of research reports, researchers foundresearch results from planning1including 2 greetings, namely assalamualaikum and good morning. The implementation includes preliminary activities of praying together, providing motivation and understanding of the values of tolerance in between lessons, and using practice methods, lectures, and habituation. The results include the absence of groups between Muslims and non-Muslims and there has never been any hostility related to the issue of religious differences.

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