Merumuskan Konsep Fiqh Islam Perspektif Indonesia

Mohamad Hanief


Abstract: Fiqh is that it is not a revelation from heaven. Fiqh is the product of ijtihad. The issue of who is to formulate it, for what purpose, under what social conditions are formulated, and the geographic locus as to what, with what epistemology, quite a big influence on the process of formation of fiqh. In other words, the fiqh is not grown in the empty space, but moving in the flow of history. Each product fiqh thinking always an interaction between the thinker with the socio-cultural and socio-political surrounds. In an atmosphere and conditions such that the entire Islamic law is written. It seems logical that the classical fiqh thinking configuration and placed in the general context of the current thinking fiqh produced on the one hand, and in the context of a particular epistemological on the other side. Knowing these contexts is not only essential in the enrichment of the social history of jurisprudence, but also very useful for the preparation efforts of the new jurisprudence, fiqh which rests on the fulcrum of the problems of humanity in a state of Indonesian society.


Keywords: Fiqh, Sociocultural, sociopolitical.


Daftar Pustaka

Ghanim, Muhammad Salman. 2000. “Kritik Ortodoksi: Tafsir Ayat Ibadah, Politik dan Feminisme”. (Yogyakarta: LKiS).

Ghazali, Abdul Moqsith. “Reorientasi Istinbath NU dan Operasionalisasi Ijtihad Jama’i” dalam Imdadun Rahmat, “Kritik nalar Fikih NU: Transformasi Paradigma Bahtsul Matsa’il”. (Jakarta: lakpesdam NU, 2002). Hal. 87-88.

Ghazali, Abdul Moqsith. “Mengubah Wajah Fiqh Islam” dalam M. Dawam Rahardjo, dkk, “Bayang-Bayang Fanatisisme: Esai-Esai Untuk Mengenang Nurcholish Madjid”. (jakarta: PSIK Universitas Paramadina, 2007). Hal. 413.

Referensi Dari Media Massa

Kurnianto, Fajar. Tiga Sebab kemandekan Fiqh. Jawa Pos. 7 Maret 2004.

Referensi Dari Internet

Makitsi, Ma’ruf, “Pembaharuan Hukum Islam”. (diakses pada 8 November 2014).

Muhammad, Husein, “Menuju Fiqh Baru Versi Jamal Al Banna (diakses pada 8 November 2014).

Rahman, Anu. “Perkembangan Ushul Fiqh di Indonesia”. (diakses pada 7 November 2014).


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