M. Mumtaza Al Miqdad, Dwi Susilowati, Nikmatul Khoiriyah



In Indonesia, corn is a very important food source after rice. In some places, this commodity has even become a staple food. From the market side, demand for corn continues to increase. Farming income is a source of motivation for farmers in encouraging the will and ability to improve farmer performance. The first objective of this research is to determine the efficiency of farming corn commodities and the second objective is to determine whether there is a difference in income or not between wet seed and dry seed corn farming farmers. The research method used is quantitative descriptive. The location for this research was Mojokrapak Village, Tembelang District, Jombang Regency in June 2023. The sampling in this research used a cluster sampling technique. The results of this research, namely the difference in income of wet seed and dry seed corn farmers, show that the sig value (0.461) > 0.05, so it can be said that the variance of the two samples is Equal Variance Assumed or has the same variance so that the next test uses Equal Variance Assumed. Corn farmers selling wet seeds get an average total income of IDR 15,105,882 with an average total cost of IDR 5,051,368, so corn farmers selling wet seeds get an average net income of IDR 10,054,515 during the corn harvest period. Meanwhile, corn farmers selling dry beans get an average total income of IDR 14,400,000 with an average total cost of IDR 3,961,450 so that the average net income is IDR 9,980,217 during the harvest. Conclusions and suggestions in this research, the difference between the average selling price of wet seed corn and dry seed corn is IDR 2,200/kg, which is quite high. The price of wet seed corn is IDR 4,000/kg while the price of dry seed corn is IDR 6,000/kg. So there is no significant difference in the income of wet seed corn farmers and dry seed corn farmers. Suggestions for corn farmers are to increase their land area so they can increase production efficiently. By working together/in groups between farmers or renting land.

Keyword: Agriculture, Income, Corn

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