ANALISIS STRATEGI PEMASARAN SAYUR ORGANIK (Studi Kasus : Di Petani Organik Desa Sumberejo Kota Batu)

Nurmala Sari, Ir. M. Noerhadi Sudjoni, MBA., MP., Dr. Ahmad Dedy Syathori, S.ST. M.Si.



      The Internal Control System (ICS) formed the Seloliman Organic Certification Institute (LeSOS) on November 9 2018, this ICS has a brand called Kota Batu Organic Farmers (PORKAB) which has only been running for one year. Meanwhile, the Batu City Organic Farmers (PORKAB) was formed as a forum or one that would coordinate farmers to market their products. The objectives of this study are 1) to analyze the 4P organic vegetable marketing mix applied to Batu City Organic Farmers. 2) Analyzing internal marketing factors and external marketing factors in Batu City Organic Farmers.

3) Analyzing the right organic vegetable marketing strategy for Batu City Organic Farmers. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. A qualitative descriptive approach is carried out by means of observation and interviews through questionnaires. Determination of the research location was determined by the method purposive (deliberately) at Batu City Organic Farmers. Methods of data collection using primary data and secondary data. The conclusions of this research based on the results of the calculated IE matrix show that the company's position is in quadrant I, namely growth and build. The SWOT analysis resulted in eleven alternative strategies and strategic priorities of the right selected alternatives to be recommended to Batu City Organic Farmers (PORKAB) based on the results of the QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) analysis which is to maintain product quality to increase sales with the highest total attractive value (TAS) of 4 ,64. Batu City Organic Farmers (PORKAB) are advised to develop more varied organic vegetable products and maintain more cooperation with partners and suppliers by providing good service or providing special prices, and increasing market penetration strategies



Keyword : organic vegetables, Marketing, Farmers

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Copyright (c) 2024 Nurmala Sari, Ir. M. Noerhadi Sudjoni, MBA., MP., Dr. Ahmad Dedy Syathori, S.ST. M.Si.

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