Siti Karmila, Titis Surya Maha Rianti, Dina Kartika Sari


Pilozz Coffee is one of the business products managed by the MSMEs Matha Hati BPP (Agricultural Extension Center) located in Karangploso. The types of pilozz coffee processed are robusta and arabica. The results of the production can be said to be quite good but are hampered by the marketing system where the long marketing channels result in inefficiency in the marketing process of pilozz coffee. The aim of this research is to analyze the efficiency of the pilozz coffee marketing channel at MSMEs Matha Hati BPP Karangploso. The sampling method was the snowball sampling method, with 20 respondents. This research was conducted from December 2023-January 2024. Data analysis methods were used to identify descriptions of marketing channels and marketing efficiency. The research results show that there are three marketing channels for pilozz coffee in MSMEs Matha Hati BPP Karangploso. III The marketing channels are: channel I: UMKM Matha Hati BPP Karangploso-Consumers. Channel II: MSMEs Matha Hati BPP Karangploso- Reseller-Consumer. Channel III: MSMEs Matha Hati BPP KarangplosoReseller-Cafe-Consumer. The level of efficiency of the Pilozz coffee marketing channel shows that marketing channel III is more efficient than marketing channels I and II. Judging from the amount of costs incurred by each marketing institution. Keywords: Marketing Efficiency, Marketing Channels,Pilozz Coffee

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