Selvia Putri Anggun Maharani, Nikmatul Khoiriyah, A. Dedy Syathori




Community food preferences are an individual or community's ability to choose food raw materials that can fulfill macro and micro nutrients at an affordable price. Food preferences can be formed in a process that involves several factors, namely internal individual factors (experience and knowledge about health benefits), external factors (food characteristics), social, cultural and economic status. This study aims to analyze food consumption preferences for carbohydrate sources in South Kalimantan households. Research data uses secondary data in the form of National Socio-Economic Survey data (SUSENAS 2022) with a sample size of 8,180 households. The research data consists of food consumption data from carbohydrate sources and the number of household members. The data analysis used is frequency data tabulation to calculate the percentages with the help of Microsoft Excel software. The research results show that household preferences for food sources of carbohydrates in South Kalimantan are still very dependent on grain carbohydrate sources, especially rice. Data for the last 5 years, namely 2018-2022, shows that rice consumption is increasing every year. Based on 2022 Susenas data, food consumption preferences for carbohydrate sources that are included in the five highest are rice with 99% consumption, wheat with 37% consumption, cassava/cassava with 24% consumption, potatoes with 14% consumption and taro with 24% consumption. consumption 7% .


Keyword: Food preferences, carbohydrate sources, household

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Copyright (c) 2024 Selvia Putri Anggun Maharani, Nikmatul Khoiriyah, A. Dedy Syathori

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