Raihanul Falah Al Haris, Bambang Siswadi, Sri Hindarti



In East Java orchid production is decreasing and the trend is also starting to decrease, but in Malang City, especially PT. Java Indo Arjuna is still running the orchid business and there are still many consumers who are interested in buying orchids as collections, home decorations and hobbies. Therefore, research was conducted with the title Factors that Influence Dendrodium Orchid Purchasing Decisions (Case Study at PT. Java Indo Arjuna, Singosari District, Malang). The aim of this research is to analyze the factors that influence consumer decisions regarding purchasing orchids in Malang City. The research location was carried out at PT. Java Indo Arjuna, Singosari District, Malang. Sampling used accidental sampling technique. Accidental sampling is taking respondents as samples based on chance, that is, anyone who meets the researcher by chance can be used as a sample, if the person they happen to meet is suitable as a data source. A good sample is between 30 – 500 respondents. So in this research the sample that will be taken is 60 respondents. The data collection method in this research area comes from primary data and supporting literature. Primary data was obtained from questionnaires, while long literature data was obtained from various sources such as books, internet, journals, theses and other supporting sources. The data analysis method used in this research is quantitative descriptive. Descriptive methods are used to identify, explain and tabulate questionnaire data. The results of the research show that consumers of dendrodium orchids are predominantly female, with an average age of 20 - 30 years, have a bachelor's degree, work as private employees, and have a monthly income of IDR 1,000,000 - IDR 2,000,000 and have family members. as many as 3 – 4 people. Factors that influence the purchase of orchids at PT. Java Indo Arjuna is work, taste, product quality, promotion, service, process and physical appearance. Suggestions for future researchers are to add other variables that have not been included in this research and examine other types of orchids, such as moon orchids, vanda orchids, cattleya orchids. Efforts are needed from companies or other orchid farmers to develop and create new types of orchids with their own beauty in order to increase the appeal of consumers and orchid lovers. Keywords: Consumer Characteristics, Consumer Decisions, Logit Model Regression Analysis.

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