Muhibbah Wildanil Izzah, Fita Mustafida, Bagus Cahyanto


Based on the results of observations by researchers at MI Attaraqqie Malang in August 2022 - September 2022, it is known that learning still uses conventional learning models (lectures) which do not make good use of learning media so that learning is not optimal and learning outcomes are less than satisfactory. For example, when studying the History of Islamic Culture (SKI), the teacher applies conventional learning, where students feel bored and sleepy, and most importantly, students easily forget how the process of Islamic history entered Indonesia at that time. This research uses a qualitative approach which is aimed at analyzing and describing social activities, events, phenomena, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts of a person either individually or in groups and this type of research is better known as Classroom Action Research (PTK) which is a research activity carried out in the classroom. This research method will present several aspects that are used as a basis for research, namely the approach and type of research, the presence of the researcher, research location, data and data sources, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques, and checking the validity of the data. The researchers concluded these results and discussions simply as evidenced by the increase in the percentage in the learning process in accordance with observations made by the researcher, namely 45% in the pre-cycle stage, 60% in the first cycle stage, then experienced an increase again in the second cycle, namely 80%. After making improvements in each cycle, the percentage of student learning completion in the learning process of cycle II experienced an increase which could be said to be high, namely 77.09%.

Keyword: Creative thinking, mind mapping, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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