Choiridayah Nur Chasanah, Fita Mustafida, Bagus Cahyanto


In learning activities In fact, every teacher wants success in teaching in the classroom. However, not all learning activities can run smoothly. As in a class, of course, they have their own problems and certainly need to be overcome to achieve the desired learning objectives. One of the problems that often occurs in elementary schools is that students' reading skills are still lacking, where each class certainly has its own standard of reading ability. As experienced in class IV D MI Bustanul Ulum Batu City, students' reading ability is still very low. Where there are still students who are not fluent in reading and half of the students still have difficulty understanding reading. This study aims to determine: 1) the application of the Speed reading method in improving students' reading skills 2) the improvement of students' reading skills before and after using the speed reading method. This type of research is Classroom Action Research using a qualitative descriptive approach. Which is carried out in the cycle stage, while each cycle is planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The subjects of this study were 37 students of class IV D MI Bustanul Ulum Batu City. The data analysis used in this research is qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The result of increasing students' reading ability in the pre-cycle is 35.13% with an average value of 66.75, the first cycle is 73.29 with a completeness percentage of 54.05% and in the second cycle the average value is 88.64 with a completeness percentage of 89 .18%. This increase indicates that the use of the speed reading method is able to improve students' reading skills.


Kata kunci: Speed reading method, reading ability, classroom action research


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