Anggita Agustina, Anwar Sa’dullah, Muhammad Sulistiono


In the current pandemic, many teachers find it difficult to develop their creativity, thus making these teachers present learning only through whatsapp media which makes students feel bored and bored. This study aims to answer the questions: 1) What is the form of teacher creativity in thematic learning during the pandemic at MI Islamiyah Kebonsari, 2) What are the factors that hinder and support teacher creativity in thematic learning during the pandemic at MI Islamiyah Kebonsari. The research location is MI Islamiyah Kebonsari Sukun Malang City.The approach used is qualitative withdescriptive research, with "methods of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this studyindicate that teachers at MI Islamiyah, even in a pandemic, are able to adapt so that students do not feel bored. In learning using the question and answer method, varied ice breaking and accompanied by interesting learning media.

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