Mutamminatul Faita, Muhammad Sulistiono, Zuhkhriyan Zakaria


Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teachers need to have different competencies from those at the junior and senior high school levels, because in thematic subjects that combine several lessons into one theme, they require special strategies so that the material can be conveyed to students easily. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is a way of changing subject matter for teaching and this occurs when the teacher explains the subject matter and finds the right way to present it and make it understandable to students according to the context of the material, lesson theme, or field of study. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of PCK ability of teachers in thematic subjects at MI Mambaul Ulum. The position of this research from previous relevant research is the difference in research methods. The research method used is a mixed method that combines quantitative and qualitative methods. According to the results of the data analysis, the PCK ability level of teachers has an average of 46.3, including the high category. The results of interviews with several respondents indicate that they have pedagogical and content abilities. Thus, this qualitative data strengthens and expands the quantitative data

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