Khoirotul Maskana, Fita Mustafida, Ika Ratih Sulistiani


Fluency in reading is needed by students so that they understand the contents of the readings and explanations that have been delivered by the teacher in the classroom. If they still have difficulty in reading, it will hamper the learning process that is carried out and can also affect the children's learning spirit. In general, grade 3 students are required to be fluent in reading because the material in the 2013 curriculum learning book combines all existing learning into several themes. The average speed of elementary school children in reading is 200 words per minute with an estimated reading of one and a half paragraphs of text or two paragraphs of reading per minute. There are some students who are still not fluent in reading due to certain factors that make them less fluent in reading. To solve these problems the teacher makes several strategies in learning that aim to make students who are less fluent in reading have the ability to read fluently. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method which takes data from events in the field in the form of interviews, observations and documentation. Some of the strategies implemented by the teacher have an impact on students' reading fluency. 

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