Laili Khalimatus Sholihah, Muhammad Hanief, Devi Wahyu Ertanti


This research focuses on the leadership style of madrasah head, teacher performance, and madrasah head strategy in improving teacher performance. The presence of researchers as the main key because researchers act as instruments as well as data collectors. The research was conducted with qualitative approach and type of case study research. Data collection procedures are performed using passive participation observation methods, structured and unstructured interviews if there is less data, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, conclusion and verification. Checking the validity of the data used is source triangulation, engineering triangulation, and membercheck. The result of the research is that the head of the madrasah makes decisions with deliberation, as well as considering every idea or suggestion from the teacher in decision making, in addition the head of the madrasah also gives autonomy to each teacher to manage his own class. While the performance of teachers ranging from making learning planning to the stage of providing enrichment programs is good enough, but there are still some teachers who are still lacking in meeting teacher performance indicators, to overcome this madrasah head has several strategies, one of which is to include teachers in training.

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