Respon Pertumbuhan, Hasil dan Kualitas Sawi Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) yang Ditanam Pada Sisa Media Hidroganik Dengan Sistem Irigasi Tetes Larutan AB Mix

dwi mulyatiningsih, Nurhidayati Nurhidayati, Anis Rosyidah


One of the cultivation methods currently being developed in urban areas is soilless cultivation in the form of solid cultures using a variety of organic materials. These organic media residues are often not properly utilized. This study aims to examine the use of residual hydroganic media by adding solution of AB Mix nutrients at various concentrations and its application intervals. This experiment used a factorial randomized block design (RBD). There were 2 factors tested in this experiment. The first factor was the concentration of AB Mix which consisted of 5 levels, namely K1=0.3%, K2=0.6%, K3=0.9%, K4=1.2%, and K5=1.5%. The second factor was the application interval of AB Mix solution with a drip irrigation system which consists of 3 levels, namely I1 = Everyday, I2 =once in two days, and I3=once in three days. The data collected was tested using 5% ANOVA. If there is a significant difference, continue the 5% HSD test. The results of this study indicate that the interaction between  concentrations and application intervals of AB mix solution had a significant effect on the growth, yield and quality of mustard Pak-coi. The K1I3 treatment (0.3% concentration with interval of once in three days) gave the best growth, while the K3I1 treatment (0.9% concentration with everyday interval) gave the highest Pakcoy mustard yield. The K1I1 treatment (0.3% concentration with everyday interval) provided the highest Vitamin C content. All treatments gave statistically the same chlorophyll content. These results suggest that to obtain high yields in a soilless cultivation system of Pak-coi mustard using a hydroganic media residue, it is necessary to add an AB Mix solution with a concentration of 0.9%. However, to obtain good quality, it is recommended to use a 0.3% concentration of AB Mix solution with intervals every day.


Keywords : AB mix solution, drip irrigation, Growth, yield, quality, Pak-coi


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