Fernandito Putra Khairuddin, Anis Sholihah, Siti Asmaniyah Mardiyani


This study aims to analyze which varieties have better growth and yields when given MOL with different concentrations, to determine the effect of local microorganism's concentrations and to analyze the growth and yields of two broccoli varieties. This study used an experimental of Randomized Block Design (RBD) which was arranged in a factorial manner and consisted of 2 factors. The first factor, varieties of Griffin and Valencia. The second factor was the MOL concentration of banana humps which consisted of four levels (0 ml L-1, 50 ml L-1-, 100 ml L-1 and 150 ml L-1). The results showed that the Griffin variety gave the best results during the vegetative period and the Valencia variety gave the best results during the generative period of the variable. Concentration 150 ml L-1 gave the best results in the vegetative and generative period of the plant.

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